Wednesday 23 February 2011

this is all rather odd.

So I'm sat here sketching away and all of a sudden for no reason at all I am losing control of my arms. First my left arm starts shaking uncontrollably and now my right hands at it too.
Am I losing control over myself, both mentally and now physically? Its most unusual. Maybe my body is giving up on me for good.

May not be a bad thing tho =P

Ha! Though I really must plough into my artwork, my portfolio wont gather itself.

Oh but if I do die, I wanna be resurrected as an Elven Warrior in some far away mythical land. That would be cool.... I think the ears would suit me

Tuesday 22 February 2011

I think last night could well have been the grand finale of T.R.A.S.H

Thursday 17 February 2011

And so in the end...

I've decided He gets the Girl.
Its cliched, but I will present it in the least cliche way possible.

This makes me happy.
so get this.
In the space of only a few hours I have had to possibilty of a full-time job come up. AND a chance to get my comic books going.
The comic book thing is a long shot. In April I have a chance to show my portfolio to a company from Los Angeles who are looking to recruit some unknown artist! Totally psyched! So I have a month and a half to prepare my portfolio. Better get cracking.
Plus I've been asked if I was interested in becoming a mates apprentice. Its alot of manual labour but its a job that just dropped out of thin air.



Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Puke On Your Shoes day. here's a gift for my followers.

So I know alot of my friends are getting impatient with me atm. Everyone is ranting about T.R.A.S.H and moaning at me for the lack of actual finished work I'm producing in relation to it. So I thought to wet apetites and maybe shut some people (Bobby!) up, I'd give you guys a little insight into my thought process and my scripting process. Theres no dialogue written down, nor storyboarding yet. That comes next.
AND THEN I promise I will get some actual work done and onto my portfolio.

So here you go guys. Here's a little teaser.
Please for the love of god DO comment and critisize me pleeeease. Thanks :)

Sunday 13 February 2011

Thursday 10 February 2011

Where's my creative spark gone?
I seem to have again lost the ability to sketch.
However! I am gonna crack on and keep listening to loud inspirational heavy metal and Drum n Bass (good mix) and keep spurting out shit work until something decent comes along.

So yeah....

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! I'll get some art on my other blog soon I swear!! =P
Someone needs to take my xbox away from me otherwise I'm never gonna get any work done!

Why am I still up?

Oh 'cause I'm suddenly hooked on the DS2 online multiplayer.
One more match then bed....
Ok and one more....
and one more....
last one this time I swear...

Wednesday 9 February 2011

We're just TRASH

So it turns out I now have the entire prologue and first chapter of T.R.A.S.H scripted, just need to finish up character concepts and then get concepting on the pages.

Also come up with a genius animated preview set to about 10-30 seconds of the song American Trash by InnerPartySystem. It works perfectly.
The only problem being it takes 12 images to animate one second, so thats a grand total of 120 to 360 images I have to draw. Soooo that wont be done for a while. Once I'm into the swing of things I'll start working on a bit each day and it'l be done in no time at all.


On another note. My smaller lip rings are far more comfortable and less silly looking. Hooray! and I can eat properly.
BK Double Whopper was to die for. Epic food baby though.


Teenage Resistance Against Sh*t Happening

I am Determined to do as much promotional work as possible for T.R.A.S.H.

Here's a brief and crappy synopsis:

Isaac and his friends lead a pretty uneventful life in a boring little town where everything is quiet but not everything is always how it seems. Whilst out on a recovery drinking session with his best friend Samuel, Isaac bumps into a Kendra, a girl he once had a very brief encounter with months before. As their friendship blossoms over the following nine months events unfold and suddenly life isnt quite so dull anymore.

Love, Laughter, drink, drugs, videogames, movies, blood and tears follow in a series of different funny, dramatic and sometimes heartbreaking situations.

Bob reckons its gonna be like skins crossed with Scott Pilgrim which is pretty much what I was going for, and as Scott said to me earlier, pretty much how the last year of my life has been.
So yeah, I guess you guys are just waiting on some artwork now...

Tuesday 8 February 2011

suddenly just realised so many different little things and that they all come together as one.

How did I not see it sooner! I'm such an idiot.

I need to do some thinking and preparation
I swear to god I'm actually gonna post some artwork on my other blog soon!

Monday 7 February 2011

in the name of science

I've actually signed up for medical and clinical trials. Desperate times?

Well for the possibility of earning up to £120 a day for taking pills why not. I'm stone cold broke after all.

Plus theres also the slim chance I may develop superpowers. RESULT!


If I die because of this I want everyone to know Bobby Bell was the one who convinced me to sign up.


Sunday 6 February 2011

New room layout and new bed makes me happy. New very sturdy non creaky bed. My new room layout makes it feel very snug and cosy. I like it a lot.


Friday 4 February 2011

Dark Master within, I will fight for you.

So quick update before I go to work.

Still in love with my snakebites, awkward to eat atm but that will pass.
T.R.A.S.H is coming together nicely, charater concepts are complete just need to name the characters, Ink the sketches, scan and colour them and they will be on DarylFinlanArt in no time at all! Probably do that after work, if I dont end up starting my third playthrough on Dead Space 2. I so wanna start Hard Core, but I need a full day due to its lack of ability to save the game.


I have finalised my ideas for my first two tattoos, Again, just need to ink the sketches, scan and colour them and I will reveal them here first. I also need to decide on the text and placement on my body for the first one.

Oh, and on a sad note, My 4 year old Skullcandy headphones finally died. :( R.I.P red loweriders. Back to my chunkier ones it is! =D

Anyway, TEA. Salt Water. Shave. Shower. Work.

Thursday 3 February 2011

I think a self re-invention is in order
I think after I finish this second playthrough on dead space 2 in the next hour I should get some of my artwork together and whack it onto my other blog seeing as its been empty for a few days.

So yeah. Check back soon!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

I wish I was Isaac Clarke. Minus the dementia and the dead girlfriend trying to kill me constantly. Good times.

Sucks that this guy really is Isaac Clarke, voice actor, facial mapping and Motion capture. Lucky son of a bitch. This guy is my new hero.

Gunner Wright you are one beautiful human being. YES! I AM OBSESSED. =P

I have an Idea for a Dead SPace fan art. Will post on my other blog when its finished.
Dead Space 2 was so totally worth the wait. The game is phenominal, and the end, well that was on a whole other level! One of the best 10 hours of gameplay I've had for ages. Love it.

Time to replay it!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Snake Bite!!

I am so not photogenic today. So damn tired and Hungover to the maximum. But still.
Got my snakebites pierced today. Love them!
Awkward for tea drinking atm, and the rings are huge, but once the swellings down and I have my smaller rings put in next week it will be awesome!! =D

so yeah, new look bizatches!