Wednesday 27 July 2011

A much needed update.

So again its been a while since I last properly updated the blog with the recent going-ons.
This is for one simple reason, I've been working my fucking arse off for more cash. The only problem being is that all the extra hours I've done this month I wont get paid for until the end of august. FUCK. Which is also bad because I did next to no overtime in june due to certain events, so my wages will be barely enough to cover my rent. If I wanna survive I'll be borrowing the rest.
On the upside though, I've landed a two week paid work trial at a company full time. so if that goes well I'll be back on a full wage and earning almost a grand a month, which will be fucking sweeeeeet. the pay at this place is kushty.

Right, Art related shit!
Um, I'm working on a couple of fantasy style stand alone pieces for my girlfriend. Dragons and shit. I dunno if they'll be any good because although I've sketched them out in pencil on paper, I'm gonna full on paint them, on some canvasses I have. This is rare for me as I usually just digitally paint myartwork, but it's been a long time since I properly painted so I figured its time I got back into practice. Browny points. I have three pieces in mind. Knight male and Mage female couple with pet dragon, Mage girl and dragon, and bear king.
I'm also scripting T.R.A.S.H and the sequel T.R.A.S.H Reverb at the moment, as well as taking Dreamwalker through its second concepting phase, further developing the characters. Klay and Rizzla have been given a work over, and Mia has been completely renamed, and redesigned to better match Rizzla, they are husband and wife after all, and on paper the chemistry between them works better for it. Sh's much more punky and fiesty, but warmer too, and she doesnt look so out of place next to Rizz anymore, you really get a sense for why they are together.

Incase anyone is interested here's my current unfinished synopsis for T.R.A.S.H Reverb:
'4 years after the final events of T.R.A.S.H   Kendra has been run out of town and things seem to be finally returning to normal; or maybe not. James has left on his tour of duty, Bill has finally set himself up as a professional DJ, Tobias is off galavanting with his newly signed metal band, and the others, well they're doing exactly the same as always. Except Isaac who has finally settled down as a respectable citizen. He has a honest job, a semi-decent home, a stable relationship with the wholey sane Leona, and his days of fighting are far behind him. But not everything is buried in the past where it should be. Those responsible for his near death are still lurking around, quietly planning their revenge. But when a familiar face returns to town with newly formed ties to the inner city crime syndicates, gang crime sweeps the sleepy town, and Isaac's past catches up to him when old faces return to exact vengeance. Isaac and his friends are once again thrown into the thray, in order to save loved ones, and ultimately kick Her out of their town, again.'

its a work in progress haha! comments and critisims please.

Oh and I am still working on getting my art blog up and running, once I do and I fill it with work you guys will be the first to know!

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