Thursday 25 March 2010

Faceplants are what the Internet was made for

...that and porn. Well not really the second part.

Not sure I can really class today as a productive day because I think I only got half a page of work done at Uni today, and by half a page I mean I did a five minute doodle in my sketchbook.

Do you know what I blame. Flash. Adobe Macromedia Flash. That bloody program gives me a headache. I hate writing actionscript. HATE IT. I can't do it, I'm an artist not a programmer. I don't care if it works properly as long as it looks pretty!!

So, instead of spending the afternoon writing actionscript me and my mate dan spent the afternoon watching some hilarious fails on youtube and some very painful ones too. Thus I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing better than watching A. People falling on their face. B. people getting taken out by big exercise balls and C. Fat people falling over. I apologise for the last one but its soooooo true.

So yeah, no actionscript induced headache, I now have a headache from laughing too much. Karma? quite likely

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