Tuesday 22 March 2011

I really should go to bed. So why don't I?

Friday 11 March 2011

I want Killzone 3 so so sooooo bad.

I blame Toby for getting me playing Killzone 2 again tonight. I need to finish it.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

quick update.


last week.

Liquid on monday was sweet. til the surreal end of night.
Tuesday night, Toby bday meal was fun :) I loves him and the ippy crew.
Wednesday...not much happened.
Thursday night/ friday morning/Friday Night/Saturday morning was awesome. Happiest I'd been in ages. Dunno whether its going anywhere now, sucks =/ Still remnants in my room, need to tidy up. too lazy.
Sunday. Sold my first piece of artwork.

this week:
Monday night colchester. Brilliant!!!
Tuesday meh
Today: DS2 Severed was intense. now I'm rushing cuz I realise the shop shuts in 10 mins and I wanna buy acoholic supplies 'just in case'