Friday 24 December 2010


I'm better than this and I know it :)

Thursday 2 December 2010

snow day

Having a 18 month old brother gives me a good excuse to play in the snow and pelt my mother with snowballs.


Clearly I've got this whole snowed-in deal down to a tee.  The weather is shite, buses aren't running properly, the snow outside is getting heavier and heavier, thicker and thicker on the ground. So really what else can I do?
Fried egg sarnie for brekkie, Constant stream of tea, and an intense amount of Black Ops. With the odd bit of uni work thrown in here and there for good measure.
I swear Activision plan for this. Seriously, why else release a game they know will be a massive seller in the middle of november? For days like this. I feel sorry for wives and girlfriends everywhere...well not really :P

Wednesday 1 December 2010

all because of one little bondage hamster....

I have not laughed that hard in ages. Because an acquaintance sent me a link to a picture of a cute little hamster clad in leather bondage gear, I fell upon a website full of silly imagery. And I don't know why, but for some reason, this one image had me crying with laughter. I think she regrets sending me that link.

Toothbrush Sex. Love it =P
