Sunday 4 April 2010


If I get shitfaced tonight I do hope I get like this again:

And then consequently end up like this:

Candy Canes and cream-crakers covered in gummy bears, on the cieling

So yeah. I feel majorly like a humungus prick right now. I also know how Anakin Skywalker felt at the end of Revenge of the Sith, (before he melted in lava) and how misguided those feelings were. So! I have decided, rather than try to take over the galaxy, that it's in my best interest, to get absolutely shitfaced tonight and drown out all of the crap from the last two weeks. And then I feel I really must escape from this town for a little while before I go crazy. As soon as possible preferably. And I must not check my facebook at all while I'm gone. Really. I wanna shut everything away, except my joshi baby cuz I loves him and mr. Rootopher. =]


Fuck my last two posts. Wish I'd never bothered. However, venting was nessacary.

and now they are gone... lost to never be read again. =]